Forehand on the rise. Professional Coach Brian Dabul, players from 9 to 11 y/o. Tennis training

Forehand on the rise. Professional Coach Brian Dabul, players from 9 to 11 y/o. Tennis training

Learning how to hit on the rise is a game changer because you can start taking time away from your opponent. In this video you’re going to learn one of the most effective ways to hurt your opponent when they give you a shorter ball. The reason why this is important is because hitting the ball early can be more effective than hitting it harder. Make sure you watch this video to learn how… Players in this video are between 9 and 11 years old, I like to work in a process, shadows with cones and rings before they hit the ball. Hope you like it, you can contact me via email 📧 or by phone 📲 +1 786-630-9298. I am based in Miami, Florida.


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